The recent survey “Women Leaders Breaking Through in Their Careers” revealed that women are transcending the glass ceiling more than ever before.

"All you need is confidence", says Carolyn Lawrence, president and CEO of Women of Influence Inc., the company behind the study. Based on Lawrence´s thoughts on women leaders achieving success, I have a few thoughts to share.

5 Things Women Leaders Can Do To Propel Women Forward

Women are the Ideal Co-Bosses -

A lot of companies are now embracing the idea of co-gender leadership in the workplace. After all, men and women have complementary strengths and talents in business. Instead of one gender being in charge, why shouldn´t both have leading roles? The idea here is to achieve a balance between each gender's strengths and weaknesses. Don´t shy away from the idea that you have a lot to offer. Any company you choose to work for can benefit from the skills you bring to the table. 

Women Leaders Have a Balancing Act to Contend With -

Most women looking to advance their careers, struggle with balancing their potential success in the workplace with their personal lives. This can often lead them to choosing family and home over professional goals. Few men struggle with this. Women leaders today should pull together. They should work to ease the path forward for those women following in their footsteps. 

Women Leaders Need to Lean into Self-Promotion -

Men know they need to sell themselves. Women leaders struggle with this. According to Lawrence, it´s a good idea to think about how a close friend or relative would describe you. What would they say about how you might impress others? Use their words to champion yourself until you are ready or comfortable saying them out loud. The key here is to have confidence, know your abilities and be proud of your accomplishments.

It´s Time to Master the Winning Leadership Skill

Men have what Lawrence calls a "fight or flight tendency" that´s great for making fast, solo decisions. Women leaders, on the other hand, are better at cooperation and team work. That´s why they need to build on innately powerful skill of pulling people together. In that way, they can promote the kind of team work that lets every one shine on one level or another.

Build a Support System of Like-Minded Women -

And, lastly, it's critical that women who are looking to work their way up the corporate ladder to have a support system. A community of like-minded women where they can share challenges, barriers and survival tips with each other...and know they are not alone in the many struggles they face. 

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